Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Week in the Life, Day 5


7:30 AM - woke up; the usual routine
Thoughts: Thank goodness the exam isn't during class time (8 AM).

9 AM - left the apartment to catch the bus

9:30 AM - arrived in school. Exam starts in 15 minutes.

12:30 PM - finished the exam. You might find it interesting that we had essay questions for Accounting. Went out to attend a club meeting/career panel, whichever room I land in.

1 PM - Leadership class!

3 PM - people were listless after our first ever midterm, so the class discussion was dragging. Our professor has a great antenna for sensing this and dismissed us earlier than 3 PM.

4 PM - back in the apartment; took a nap

6: 30 PM - had dinner. Started to study for Stats midterm.

8:30 PM - left the apartment for the library, where I work the midnight shift.

9 PM - start of my shift! Brought my Stats hand-outs with me in an attempt to study while at the desk.

12 AM - end of shift. Walked back to the apartment and started studying what little remained of Stats that I hadn't covered.

1:45 AM - motivated myself to read a bit for Ethics class.
Thoughts: 1, 2, 3, 4... why do we have 8 readings for class tomorrow?!!

2:30 AM - wrote this and signing off

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