Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Princeton Review: Cracking the GMAT

Meet Joe Bloggs, the MBA applicant of average intelligence who tries to finish the GMAT in as little time as possible that he can't help but fall for the traps the GMAT makers have laid in store for him.

The Princeton Review narrates the mistakes Joe Bloggs usually makes, and gives readers an idea of how to avoid those traps.There are tips laid out throughout the book, notably POE (process of elimination), plugging in and AD-BCE (for data sufficiency questions) for the math portion.

The book makes an easy read, and gives you a pretty good overview of the topics of the exam. It's not as detailed or thorough as you might wish, however, and high scorers on GMAT practice tests would definitely need more practice books, drills and exams to achieve that 700+ score come GMAT day. This is a book that I would recommend test-takers to read before delving into the nitty-gritty of test preparations, and could probably serve as a stand-in for the Kaplan Premiere if you don't have it.

Note: I haven't tried out the online tests or the CD yet so I'll probably update this later on once I've done so.

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